A New Adventure!

Sorry–no paintings to share with you. There is a large one on the easel that I actually signed. But then I realized that the cloud looked alot like the bottom of a frog with two legs in the air!!!  So I’ll be working on that.  BUT–I have some exciting news to share with you. This will be of more interest to those who are in the DC area, but I wanted to share it with everyone.  I am going to be joining a new group of artists at the Capitol Arts Network(CAN) in Rockville.  CAN is located in a  warehouse that has been made into artist’s studios, a large gallery, and a beautiful teaching room. I’ve heard that they plan to purchase the building next door as well. I will be teaching at this facility in September, in addition to my class at the Yellow Barn. I plan to offer a 3 hour class Monday and Wednesday mornings.  AND–I have taken the last available studio, which I hope to turn into a showplace for pastel.  I”m asking that a window be cut into the wall that runs along the hall to the gallery and teaching room. So everyone can see the beauty of pastel as they go to their classes!  The studio is big enough to hold small classes, demonstrations, mentoring or critique sessions.  And I’m sure it will generate more students.  This is a major move for me, both financially and time-wise. My plan was to teach less and try to give more workshops for pastel societies.  But this opportunity to become part of a vibrant new community of artists near my house was too good to pass up.  Two people have made this even more enticing.  The director, Judith Heartsong, is a really wonderful, energetic person, filled with enthusiasm, ideas, and strong marketing skills. I hope to learn much from her. And Glen Kessler, my colleague at the Yellow Barn, also has a studio at CAN and has been very supportive of having me there as well. I am very much looking forward to working with him.  So now I am looking at the IKEA and Blick catalogs to figure out how to furnish a second studio as cheaply as possible. Having two studios is going to be confusing at first. But I’ve got plenty of pastels, that’s for sure!  I won’t have as much time to “play” with pastel and post on the blog this summer as I had planned, but I’ll do as much as possible.  The idea of being able to show my work–framed AND unframed–in this new place is really exciting. Wish me luck!!!

11 thoughts on “A New Adventure!

  1. Jean, I ‘m so pleased with your new project at CAN. You’re a talented and inspirational teacher. I’ll llook forward to seeing how this new opportunity leverages your talents- allowing for effective use of your skills.
    Best of luck.

  2. I was so happy to read your recent blog even though there was no photo. I wish you good health, contentment and success in your new venture. While you may not be able to blog as often, I hope you will keep us up to date with your adventures and discoveries. Carpe Diem!

    • Thanks Marie, and to Lillian and Sunny. I looked at the CAN Facebook page today and so much is there! It’s really exciting to think that I’m going to be part of it. But right now I have a room with four bare walls and nothing! Don’t worry, I’m loving being able to share on the blog, and who knows, I might have even more to share with you all.

  3. Jean, how exciting about your new space. I look forward to visiting you there. I am also looking forward to the next two Taos sunsets. The first one is lovely. Sandy

  4. That sounds wonderful! Wish we could all live in the DC area to take lessons from you. Good luck on your new endeavor!

    • I wish more of you could come to DC! Think of the fun we would have. If you ever decide to take a vacation here, let me know. I have a friend who came from Oregon for a workshop in Mass. then came to my house for a critique! Kind of amazing!

    • Yeah, I think I am. I can already see the 3 paintings lining my walls in the new studio! Of course I have to do the third, and then get something other than bare walls in the studio. But it IS exciting.

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