The Potomac River at Nolands Ferry

The Potomac at Nolands Ferry, 12" x 16", UART 320

The Potomac at Nolands Ferry, 12″ x 16″, UART 320

Underpainting using yellow and a variety of reds

Underpainting using yellow and a variety of reds

Here is the second painting completed today, this one done on my own.  It’s a very peaceful painting of the Potomac from a spot we explored for the first time last weekend.  Noland’s Ferry is on the C&O Canal near Point of Rocks in Tuscarora, Frederick County, MD.  The river is wide and peaceful, making it  a perfect spot for boating.  I took this shot from the landing to get a clear view of the river without bushes and trees obscuring it.

I knew this was going to be a blue/green painting–hard to escape it!  So I started with lots of reds and pinks and with yellow green in the sky and water.  You really don’t see any of that in the finished painting, but I find it so much easier to paint over colors like this.  Underpaintings are really for me, I’ve decided!

I began the painting last week and was afraid that I was getting too fussy with it.  I did the sky and left side of the painting.  The sky was a clear blue.  I used a very light yellow Schmincke and layed some of it at the base of the sky then decided to add a cloud shape and was really happy I did.  It gives the painting a lot more interest, I think.

Today I was at the studio without my glasses!  So I couldn’t be quite as fussy.  For the trees and reflections, its all greens, dark blues and a few violets. I was able to insert small pieces of “orange” for the bank, which are a welcome change.  I thought about trying to add some oranges or pinks but decided not to fool with it.  What I really enjoyed was “sculpting” the trees with dark against light.

One of the reasons for the photo and painting is the ripples of light crossing the still water.  I thought this really made the composition.  In the photo, the sky and water are “white” even though it was a deep blue sky day. So I had to wing it.

It was nice to paint this very calm and cool painting on a very hot day during turbulent times.


3 thoughts on “The Potomac River at Nolands Ferry

  1. What a lovely, sweet and oh so restful painting! I love to look at it. I send you my best regards, Hope you are well and thank you for your messages that during this time keep me inspired.

  2. Thank you for sharing your wonderful paintings and messages that especially at this time keep me inspired. I hope you and your loved ones are well.

    • Thanks so much Marie. These really are trying times with federal troups being sent to our cities, fear of the pandemic, and record heat in many places. We need to keep our “cool” in so many ways. But I’m SO fortunate to have my wonderful artist friends. I feel blessed. Stay well.

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